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‘Roseanne’s’ pro-Trump reboot draws massive audience

For a network sitcom, the 18.2million audience that Roseanne drew for its opening two episodes is the biggest in over three years.

A Pro-Trump ‘’Roseanne’’ TV sitcom which is currently airing on ABC is making ratings great again for the TV channel.

Over 18.2million viewers tuned in to watch the sitcom, making it the second-most-hit scripted TV show of the current season.

On Tuesday night, ABC aired the reboot of Roseanne, in which the matriarch of the house is shown as a Trump supporter.

The only scripted show which has managed to bag a bigger audience that Roseanne is NBC’s ‘’This Is Us.’’ The show was aired post Super-Bowl and managed to garner an audience of just under 27 million viewers.

While the success of the episode also owes it to its popularity, critics are also pointing towards the uncertain times the US is facing as a probable reason.

With shocks coming consistently from the White House almost on a daily basis, TV viewership is finding solace in familiar TV friends.

As for ABC, the strong show which the premiere of ‘’Roseanne’’ managed couldn’t have come at a better time. For, just like its rivals, ABC is finding it hard to compete with streaming services like Netflix and Hulu.

So difficult has the competition become for ABC that last summer, Shonda Rhimes, one of the most prolific producers of ABC, departed for Netflix.

As for ‘’Roseanne’’, it revolves around Conners, an upper-middle-class family which lives in Lanford, a fictional Illinois Town.

Unlike other TV drams of the recent past – which have eschewed politics in fear of a backlash from the opposing ideology – the first two episodes of Roseanne were full of politics and current affairs.

So much so that, Roseanne Barr, the protagonist of the drama, revealed in the first episode that she was a pro-Trump supporter.

However, to balance things out, her sister Jackie Harris, whose role is played by Laurie Metcalf, is shown as a Hillary Clinton supporter.

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