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Make The Most Out Of The Quarantine

While the coronavirus spread all over the world and many people might lose their jobs for the foreseeable future, but there are some lucky people who continue to work from home and they might enjoy it – Programmers

You can learn how to program while you stay at home and maybe find a side hustle or your next career –

first of all, you need to define your goals –

Do you want to build a chat bot?

Do you want to build a website for yourself?

Do you want to analyze data more efficiently with SQL?

These goals will help you find you path toward success.

After understanding your goals, find information about it. Ask yourself what program language you need to learn in order to achieve those goals.

Third step is understanding your sources –

It might be books, interactive online course, a friend who can guide you or anything else that comes to mind

The forth step is the most important one –


Take your time, understand the basics of the language and learn how to program the right way. There are lots of videos that show you step by step how to create anything you want but if you copy and paste the instruction, nothing good will come out of it.

If you really into it I would recommend purchasing a serious course online that explains also the basics and fundamental principles of programming

The fifth part is the most fun one –

Build anything you like! Get crazy with ideas and always look for new projects to build!

You will see that most of the learning is done by projects and not by traditional learning so look for opportunities to write your own code and programs!

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